Join Webscope team

We are a bunch of smart people who are passionate about what they do. Do you want to join us?

Open positions

Senior engineer for React/React-Native


Back-end Developer (.NET, Azure)


React (Next.js) Developer

Brno, Prague

Intermediate full-stack Developer (React/Django)

Brno, Prague

Junior/Intermediate React Developer

Brno, Prague

Can't find the right job position for you?

Send us an email at and we will see if there is a job position for you.

Can't find the right job position for you?

Do you work on an open-source project?

It can help you in the application process. Send us a link and, maybe, you will skip it :-)

Do you work on an open-source project?

Our culture

We approach everyone individually

We know that everyone is different and therefore we strive to create a working environment & conditions so that everyone is satisfied and motivated by the work he/she does. Webscope is open to discuss the possibilities with the team members  →  e.g. give you some time for innovation, open-source projects, or similar (if it's internally possible).

We prioritize work-life balance and flexible work scheduling.

We know that everyone works differently and that some people give the best performance early in the morning, the others late in the night. We know that  delivering the results is not about working 8 hours non-stop. If we feel like going to a gym in the middle of the day or have some errands to do, it's all right. We trust each other and know that everyone will catch-up with the work later. 

We focus 100% on our work.

We have a relaxed and friendly atmosphere in our offices. However, when we work, we focus 100%. To achieve this, we create office atmosphere so that everyone can have calm working conditions. In other words, we respect the working flow of our teammates and don’t disturb them if they work. 

We are more than just coworkers.

We enjoy spending time together after work. We don't need anything organized - if we feel like going to a pub after work, we just go. Teambuldings are also very popular activities at Webscope, and we always try to find some interesting activities.

We are curious about what we do and always hone our skills.

We know that skills and knowledge development are crucial for the work we do. Therefore, we attend courses, world conferences, and always learn new things to deepen and broaden our knowledge.

We enjoy sharing expertise and knowledge with one another

If we find an interesting article, course, book, or anything else, we share this information with the rest of the team. We also enjoy preparing a short presentation or a document for the colleagues. They will be happy to learn new things. We like sharing our expertise with anyone else interested in what we do.

A few perks we have at Webscope

We approach everyone individually, which we also try to do in term of benefits. Here is a list of the most common perks we have at Webscope.

Conferences and courses to deepen and broaden your knowledge
Conferences and courses to deepen and broaden your knowledge
Flexible working hours and home-office
Flexible working hours and home-office
Remote office
Remote office
Full-time/part-time positions
Full-time/part-time positions
Office with squash, sauna and table-football (Brno)
Office with squash, sauna and table-football (Brno)

Ready to join Webscope team?